Capitol University
Cagayan de Oro City
Subject: Comparative Studies in Educational System
Topic: Educational System in United Kingdom
( by Linda D. Saab )Date assigned: Jan.18,2011

Dear Dr. Olga,
It was a wonderful experience viewing the majestic buildings and amazing views of United Kingdom. It seems I have already visited those places. I learned that United Kingdom composed of four countries England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Their structure of educational system is more likely that of Australia. School education has basic first stage is age 5 to 7 and the second basic is 7 to 11 years old. After the basic ,they have comprehensive school at the age of 11 to 16 years old. At this level students who are taking vocational will receive certificate or Diploma and for those in academic secondary will receive certificate / diploma of advance level. Then the higher education has 3 main types institutions the universities ,colleges and institutions of higher education and arts music colleges. The department for education and skills is responsible for all universities. Like many other countries, they underwent reform like Education Reform Act Year 1988, Further and Higher Education Act Year 1992, Higher Education Act 2004. The classes start from September to July and long vacation from July to September. The UK educational system has 90 % student attendee classes, in England and Wales 8.5 million children in 30,000 schools and Northern Ireland 350,000 children in 1,300 state schools. For the England, Scotland and Wales their education departments are financed by Local Education Authority while in Northern Ireland are largely financed from public funds . The National Curriculum core subjects are English (Welsh-speaking schools), mathematics, science, design and technology, geography, history, music, arts ,physical education and religious. In Ireland includes Irish language in Irish –speaking schools. Students take examinations in a range of subjects at level of General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). Single subject examination set and marked by independent boards. After taking ,students may choose to continue their education at vocational or technical colleges or may take higher education. Examinations are required for entrance in universities. There is no official method equating British and American primary and secondary educational qualifications . In university level studies it takes 3 to 4 years to graduate bachelor degrees. Majority degree courses involve research and writing extensive thesis or dissertation. Master’s degree is normally studied 1 to 2 years and for third stage the higher Doctorate or Doctor of Philosophy. In the fields, like many other countries teachers are trained from pre-primary teachers, secondary and for higher education.
I realized that educational system has more or less have the same directions to educate people to become productive citizens of the country to make the a place a better place to live. The other countries students are privileged for having better opportunities in terms of financial assistance than in our country.
As principal, I have to learn more about the educational system of other countries to have a wider view in terms of curriculum implementation and be able to adopt system that would suite to our culture.
Your student,
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